Tuesday 23 February 2016

Images of Brunei

I fly out to London tonight. 
Here are a few pictures which capture some of the impressions that I  have of  Brunei. It is not really a tourist destination, however it is interesting and quite unique. The people have been incredibly friendly; genuine smiles and waves from perfect strangers. And I have actually seen the Sultan of Brunei. I'm pretty stoked about that.
A typical shopping precinct. 
Malay is the main language spoken in Brunei, but signage is often in Malay or Jawi, an Arabic script.
I think this sign wishes you a safe journey.
This one says welcome (Salamat datang). Pantai is beach.

This is  Sekolah (school) Menengah (secondary) Ripas. My friend is a teacher here.
This is the view from upstairs. An Iroquois helicopter has landed in the field; it comes from a nearby British army base.


  1. That's really interesting.
    The pictures are really beautiful.
    It's very different to what we Kiwi's in New Zealand do.
    Have Fun travelling to London!!!!!!

  2. That's so cool! Hope you fun in London!

    1. I will Emma. Next post will be from there. Thanks for your comments.
