Wednesday 24 February 2016

London Calling

Flying in to London, the plane circles the city and I find myself glued to the window. The River Thames, the bridges, Big Ben and the Tower of London can be seen clearly. It is an amazing sight.

This morning I caught the Underground train (the Tube) straight from the airport in to the city, and then a short walk to  the cafe where my daughter works.
This is Jay, at Hilliards cafe.

Then my nephew  messaged me and we also got to catch up. I haven't seen Craig for about 3 years.

There are a lot of  'kiwis' working at  the cafe. Living and working in London is something that many New Zealanders get to experience. Perhaps a UK OE* is something that you would like to do in a few years.

*UK - United Kingdom
  OE - overseas experience


  1. Cool
    At least your not alone talking KIWI wise

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sounds fun I wish I could have come with you. What is your favourite part so far and what are you looking ford to.

    Hope your having fun!

    Yours sincerely

    1. Favourite part is seeing Jay. I am looking forward to going to Iceland on Saturday, and then seeing old friends in Edinburgh, Scotland.

  4. Wow I really wish I was there, I hope next time you go somewhere you invite me!!!!! Hope you have a save and happy time with your family. :]

  5. I miss you miss palmer but yes i hope you are having an amazing time next time please invite me haha.

    yours sincerely
    Paige Crowhurst (1 of your students)

  6. I love your comments Paige. Where is the rest of Room 4? Tell them I'm getting more comments from Room 3 than from Room 4. What's up with that?✍🤔😊

  7. ok miss i will tell them to comment on your blog and email you and things
