Sunday 28 February 2016


Last weekend, I was 400km from the Equator, today I am 270km from the Arctic Circle. Jay and I are in Reykjavik, which is the capital of Iceland, and the world's northernmost capital city. Iceland has a similar population to Brunei (just less than 400,000 people). The language, I am finding, is more difficult to pick up than Malay. There is a slightly different alphabet, with some complicated sounds.
Try some of these phrases.
This snowman is just outside our accommodation.
Throwing a snowball in a nearby park.


Shortly after taking this photo, it began to snow.

The snow and mountains create a dramatic vista as you look down the streets of Reykjavik.



  1. That looks so much fun.
    I wish i could be their but I can't.
    Sad face

  2. Miss Palmer I just watched the phrases video...I found them kinda hard...How are or were you finding them

  3. Tricky at first Paige, but I practice the sounds whenever I see an opportunity, like on street signs. I learn one phrase then try it out. People like it when you shownthat you are using their language.
