Friday 18 March 2016

Gent, Ghent or Gand

Greer, Jay and I travelled to Ghent on the train today.

It is a little confusing because it is written as Ghent, Gent or sometimes Gand (in French, Dutch or Flemish) so we weren't sure if we were on the right train. To say the 'gh' in Ghent, start by making a 'g' as in goat, then imagine you have a fur ball in the back of your throat, and cough it out. Try it...Ghent!

We had Belgian fries for lunch.

While British and American soldiers were stationed in Belgium during World War One, they enjoyed a local food of deep fried, hot potato chips. The soldiers thought they were in France and called them 'french fries'. They were actually in Belgium, but the name has stuck.

Gent is an old medieval town with buildings dating back to the 12th century. Some buildings have been destroyed, but it was decided that construction should be kept in the style of the old buildings. So some buildings look very old, but they were built less than 100 years ago.

It is difficult to describe the old town, so I will do it with pictures. As you look through the photographs, can you find:
1. Pikachu.  2. A wheelbarrow.  3. Belgian chocolate. 
 4. A rat on the bus.  5. The Belgian flag.  6. A giant candlestick

How many bikes do you think are parked at the station?
Can you find Greer?


  1. I found greer

  2. That is so many bikes

  3. Can you imagine how much space would be needed if each bike was a car?
