Thursday 24 March 2016

When in Rome...

No, I am not actually in Rome. There is a saying which goes, 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do'. It means that when you find yourself in a different place, try to do things the way the locals do. If you want to do as the locals do in Eindhoven, then you should ride a bicycle.

The bicycle is the primary form of transport here; they outnumber cars by far. Everybody rides a bike. There seems to be no age limit. We saw young children, people in their 60 s and 70s - maybe even older, because they look very fit and healthy. No special clothing is required and helmets are not compulsory. People ride in high heels, dressed for work or for a fancy lycra here.
Even the friendly police officers are on bikes.

There is a whole network of bike paths, well more like bike roads, with their own traffic lights, pedestrian crossings and stop signs. If you are at a pedestrian crossing, you need to check for cars  AND for bikes. There is a much higher chance that you will be run over by a
bicycle than by a car.

So, just to fit in, we hired some bikes (fietsen). It took a little while to get used to using the roads and cycle ways, but it was a lot of fun, and the best way to get around in Eindhoven.

Then, if you are feeling hungry while you are out and about, you can purchase a snack from a self service shop window.


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