Wednesday 16 March 2016

Stories from Edinburgh

I used to love the story of Greyfriars Bobby...still do love it. Bobby was a Skye terrier. His master died and was buried in the kirkyard* at Greyfriars. Bobby sat on his masters grave for 14 years. He is buried at the gate of the graveyard. There is a statue to recognise Bobby and his loyalty. 

Bobby sat on his master's grave for 14 years.
Not far from Greyfriars Bobby is a café called The Elephant House. JK Rowling used to come to the café to write her book about a boy named Harry Potter, because it was warm. She had very little money at the time, and could not afford heating in her own flat.
If you look out the window you can see the graveyard at Greyfriars, and the castle up on the hill. It looks so much like Hogwarts to me. 

* a kirk is a church

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