Friday 11 March 2016

St Pauls Cathedral

After  singing the praises of humble structures in my last blog,  this post pays homage to a building which was designed and built specifically to impress; St Pauls Cathedral.


As I look at the London skyline, my eye is always drawn to the magnificent dome of St Pauls. From a distance, or close up, it is a beautiful building. The word 'awesome' is used a lot today, but it was originally intended to describe sights like this.

There are 526 steps to climb if you want to get to the 'Golden Gallery', which is up above the dome. I have been here before. I was 12 years old, and I climbed all the way up with my mum. It is very special for me to return now, and share this place with my daughter. Maybe one day, some of you will stand here too.

The earthquakes in Christchurch have damaged the cathedral there beyond repair.

This is a model of the original
St Pauls Cathedral. It was destroyed in the
Great Fire of London.

But look what stands there now.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting facts right there.
    Thank for teaching me those facts.
